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ELABORATOR holds 2nd Plenary Meeting in Copenhagen

ELABORATOR wraps up yet another Plenary Meeting in one of our Lighthouse Cities! This time, our consortium gathered in Copenhagen, Denmark for four days filled with workshops and collective activities. Read more below!

Last month, on 10-13 June 2024, we held our second Plenary Meeting in Copenhagen, one of ELABORATOR's Lighthouse cities. Our group of 38 partners convened in the Copenhagen City Hall for a four-day meeting to take stock of the project's progress and co-creatively take further steps towards developing climate-neutral cities and sustainable urban mobility designs for our Living Labs.

Twinning workshop and Copenhagen intervention tour

The first day, on 10 June, began with a Twinning Workshop between ELABORATOR'S Lighthouse city Copenhagen and Follower city Lund, which served to facilitate knowledge exchange between the two on their sustainable urban mobility interventions.

After the workshop, partners received an exclusive tour of Copenhagen: starting from learning more about the city's history with sustainable urban mobility, such as the first introduction of Cargo bikes in the free town of Christiania, or the opening of the metro in 2002 as a viable alternative to cycling, we then got to dive deep into their intervention site for ELABORATOR.

Copenhagen's pilot is set against the backdrop of significant changes in parking within the Medieval City Center, where 600 car parking spaces will be relocated to parking houses and bike parking will be shifted from squares to nearby streets. To understand citizens' reactions to this, Copenhagen is conducting two surveys, one with private car users and one with users of commercial vehicles, as these different user groups might behave differently and parking spaces are mainly for private use.

The Copenhagen Living Lab also addresses traffic safety at specific intersections and investigates near-encounter areas. As a way of involving citizens, the city is also envisioning the use of their OpenTrafficCam footage, similar to GPS but with spatial resolution, as a 4D observation tool/questionnaire for respondents to look at and give their opinion on.

Taking stock: Co-creation activities across WPs

For the next three days, from 11 to 13 June, work package (WP) leads arranged multiple workshops to facilitate collaborative ideation and kick off new workstreams on critical project elements between cities and technical partners, staying true to the co-creative nature of the project. The covered activities were diverse, from defining the Living Lab's interventions to reviewing the catalogue of solutions for the gamification approach, from the Community of Practice's first meeting to the presentation of the project's safety rating system in the upcoming Evaluation Plan - no detail was overlooked!

Indeed, we have much to share in regard to some of the materials developed by ELAOBATOR for our cities. We cannot wait to share more information about the publication of these useful resources, so stay tuned!

Thank you to Copenhagen for being such a great host and to our dear partners: until next time!

Get a sneak peek of the Plenary in the slideshow below.


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