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Community of Practice

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What is ELABORATOR's Community of Practice?

The Community of Practice (CoP) is a forum for sharing and adapting urban interventions from our project's Lighthouse cities to the Follower cities. This primarily online community is made up of ELABORATOR project members, experts, and key local actors. 


By co-designing and co-creating these interventions with relevant stakeholders such as vulnerable user groups, local authorities, and groups vulnerable to exclusion, among others, we aim to ensure that our initiatives address the real needs of citizens.

If you believe your expertise can contribute to this goal, we invite you to apply and become a member of the ELABORATOR Community of Practice.

Want to join our efforts? Apply using the link below to show your interest. You will receive an e-mail once your application has been approved. 



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What are the goals and outputs of the CoP?

Our goal is to create a supportive environment for defining and sharing urban interventions across ELABORATOR cities.

Key responsibilities of the CoP include providing support and feedback on:

  • Twinning of interventions: Develop and refine replication plans tailored to unique urban needs of ELABORATOR cities.

  • Validation and adaptation: Assess and improve urban mobility interventions and digital tools.

  • Implementation support: Guide and support the implementation process to ensure inclusivity, safety, and sustainability.

  • Knowledge Hub development: Contribute insights and feedback to enhance the ELABORATOR Knowledge Hub.


The CoP will meet quarterly, either online or in person, to discuss ongoing activities, address common challenges, and exchange solutions. Working group meetings will also be formed for each twinning group to tailor interventions to unique contexts.


Ways of working

  • Each ELABORATOR city will have internal members from their organizations and/or technical/supporting partners, along with external members.

  • Quarterly CoP meetings will be aligned with project milestones. These meetings will be primarily online.

  • Each meeting will cover project updates, review deployment needs, and develop replication plans.


  • Internal members: Project members directly involved with ELABORATOR, including Lighthouse and Follower Cities and their supporting partners.

  • External members: Interested Stakeholders from related sectors like NGOs, industry representatives, and other interested parties.

  • Members can be accepted through this open call from the ELABORATOR project or be directly nominated by ELABORATOR partners.

Whether you are a citizen or a professional interested in improving the quality of interventions in one (or more) of our 12 Living Labs, your input is invaluable. By joining, you will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge, contribute to significant advancements, and engage in meaningful discussions about the future of urban mobility in European cities. This collaborative space is designed to foster understanding and innovation, ensuring that our collective efforts lead to impactful and sustainable solutions.

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